Women Development Cell

To implement the directions issued by the University Grants Commission and Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India, AICTE,  Commissionerate  of  Technical education-Government of Gujarat, Government polytechnic Jamnagar has set up Women  Development Cell (WDC) in December 2019 and currently handled by the able convenor-ship of Mrs. Urmi Joshi. . The aim of the WDC is to provide safe work place/study place for women employee and girls students.  The cell also aims to empower the women through knowledge sharing, training and aptitude building exercises and other programs. The purpose is to  improve women’s participation in overall progress, resulting in their economic empowerment and inclusive growth as whole. WDC of Govt. polytechnic, Jamnagar aims to create opportunities and provide dignified working environment for women employees (including teaching, non-teaching and contractual workers) and students so that they can reach to their endowed potential and thereby enriching institutional and social life.

The goal of the WDC is  to provide healthy working and learning environment, to crate gender sensitivity , promote general well-being  of women employee as well as  students for their overall progress and personality development.

Policy and Work functions
• To provide a platform for their emotional sharing to make their ‘fit-in’   experience easy and comfortable.
• To organize seminars, lectures etc relating to women empowerment and their self confidence development.
• To encourage raising of awareness about gender sensitivity and gender .
• To arrange  programs  specially regarding self defence, fitness  and health for women.
• To create awareness regarding  Women Welfare Laws.

Get in Touch
Dr U. M. Joshi
Convener, Women Development Cell (WDC)
Lecturer in Physics,
Email: wdcgpjam@gmail.com
Phone: 0288-2755570 /9426222631